We want to help you

Find your Place

Finding Your Place to Grow

Our mission is to help you know and follow Jesus. We have created our schedule for that specific purpose. We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings as we worship God and hear from his Word. Our Wednesday nights are designed to equip you to live out your faith. We also offer a daily devotional email to help you engage with God Almighty each and every day.

Finding Your Place to Serve

We believe that God has uniquely and wonderfully created each person. As such, we know that God has gifted you with talents, time, experiences, and passions that benefit His Kingdom and our church. We would love to help you find your place to plug in. We offer weekly opportunities (Choir and Greeting), monthly opportunities (Childcare, Tech, and Food Prep), as well as quarterly opportunities (outreach events and skilled work). If you want to find your place to plug in, please email Julia Maw at julia.maw.home@gmail.com, our church mobilizer, to help you find your place.

  • Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not go to Church, let's be the Church.